Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Sarah Palin Question

There's been an awful lot of jive moving around on the internet and in the news about McCain's VP "pick" Sarah Palin, the first term Govenor of Alaska. I say "pick" because she was not John McCain's first or even second choice (I didn't know he didn't get to choose his own VP). Unless you were drunk through all of Labor Day weekend, nothing I've said so far is really news. She has a pregnant teenage daughter, sure. She is under investigation for the firing of a state trooper, okie doke. Her husband got a DUI 22 years ago, who didn't in the 80's. Although despite all of this certifiable "hooplah" there's something no one really seems to be talking about. I mean, I listen closely, I read the news papers. Why has no one stood up and screamed at the top of their lungs "THIS PERSON IS ONE HEART BEAT AWAY FROM BEING THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD!" Nevermind her scandal, politicians with no scandal hang out with Big Foot and Santa on the weekends, but she isn't even kinda sorta qualified to lead in the event that John McCain dies. Now I'm not saying that he wouldn't make it through two terms. What I AM saying is that McCain has a foot in the grave. If conservatives really want to have an "Experience" fight, I think they've finally thrown the match.
/This. Go take a look.